How to Know if You Are Ready to Own a Horse

How to Know if You Are Ready to Own a Horse

If you are an avid equestrian, you may think you are ready for the responsibility of horse ownership. Owning a horse is a different responsibility than riding one, so you should carefully consider whether you are ready to own your horse. Ask yourself these three questions to determine if you are ready to buy a horse.

Are You Financially Stable?

Horses cost a lot of money. Even if you can afford to buy a horse, you still need to provide feed and equipment. You also never know when your horse will get sick or injured, leaving you with astronomical vet bills. Investing in horse insurance is a good way to offset unexpected medical expenses but you still need to be prepared to support your mount’s financial needs.

Do You Have the Right Property?

If you plan to house a horse on your own property instead of boarding it, you need to make sure your property is suitable. Not only do you need to have plenty of grazing room for your horse, but you also need to provide him or her with shelter. Your pasture should be enclosed with a sturdy fence made of metal and wood. If your property doesn’t meet these criteria, you can’t care for a horse responsibly on it.

Are You Willing to Commit Time to a Horse?

Horses require a lot of time and upkeep. They need to be fed grain several times a day and bedded down in cold weather. They also need to be exercised every day. Before bringing a horse home, make sure you can give it the time it deserves.

If you can answer “yes” to all of these questions, you are ready for the responsibility of horse ownership. You can begin the process of searching for the perfect mount to bring home, knowing that you can properly care for your new companion.

Lauren Ann

Hi, I'm Lauren Ann. I know everything about pets and their problems! When you need to know something about your pet, just visit our site!

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