Dogs and Cats

How Dogs and Cats Can Boost Human Health

The companionship between humans and pets has been celebrated for millennia. For many, dogs and cats have become more than just pets; they are members of the family who provide emotional support and companionship. The growing body of research demonstrates that our furry friends do more than just bring smiles to our faces; they can also have a significant positive impact on our physical and mental health. This is true for pretty much any breed of dog or cat, from energetic Spoodle puppies to sleepy Ragdoll cats.

From reduced blood pressure to increased physical activity and improved mental well-being, pet ownership is associated with a myriad of health benefits. Let’s delve into the myriad ways dogs and cats can enhance our health and enrich our lives.

Reduced Blood Pressure and Heart Health

Hypertension, commonly referred to as high blood pressure, is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Interestingly, studies have demonstrated that pet ownership, specifically dogs and cats, can play a role in managing this health condition.

Pet owners have been found to have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels compared to non-owners, even when both groups had a similar Body Mass Index (BMI). The act of petting or interacting with a dog or cat can stimulate the release of calming endorphins in humans, which help to lower blood pressure.

In addition to reducing blood pressure, pets can also contribute to improved heart health. Dog ownership is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and increased survival among patients. This could be attributed to increased physical activity from walking the dog, as well as the calming effects of the pet on the human cardiovascular system.

Increased Physical Activity

Having a dog in particular can significantly increase one’s level of physical activity. Dog owners are more likely to meet the recommended daily physical activity levels, as they are compelled to walk their dogs regularly.

Studies have found that dog owners were 34% more likely to complete at least 150 minutes of exercise per week compared to non-dog owners. This additional exercise helps to maintain a healthy weight, improve cardiovascular fitness, and enhance overall physical health.

Cats, too, while not requiring walks, can encourage physical activity through interactive play. Whether it’s chasing a laser pointer or engaging in a lively game of “catch the feather,” playing with a cat can help increase movement and agility. However, since taking a cat out for walks is generally more involved than doing so for a dog, the benefits aren’t as pronounced.

Improved Mental Health

Dogs and cats can significantly contribute to their owners’ mental health. Interacting with pets can stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that play an essential role in regulating mood and feelings of happiness. Petting a dog or cat can lower stress levels and help to ease anxiety.

In times of emotional distress, pets provide a source of comfort and support. A review by Helen Louise Brooks of 17 studies published in the journal BMC Psychiatry found that pets provide a sense of unconditional love and companionship that can help people manage mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety.

Pet ownership can also contribute to increased socialisation, which is beneficial for mental health. Walking a dog or visiting a pet-friendly park or event can lead to social interactions with other pet owners, potentially leading to a broader social network and decreased feelings of loneliness or isolation.

Immune System Boost and Allergy Reduction

Studies have shown that children who grow up in homes with pets are less likely to develop common allergies. Exposure to pet dander and the microbes they carry can help build up a child’s immune system. Research has shown that children exposed to animals at a young age were found to have a reduced risk of allergies, asthma, and eczema.

Furthermore, the presence of pets can help strengthen the immune system in adults too. Regular interaction with pets can expose an individual to a diverse range of microbes, thereby “training” the immune system to respond effectively to various pathogens.

Therapeutic Roles

Dogs and cats can play therapeutic roles in our lives. Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) is increasingly used in healthcare settings, where dogs and cats are used to help patients recover or better cope with health problems such as heart disease, cancer, and mental health disorders.

The simple act of petting a cat or dog can reduce anxiety and promote feelings of calm, making them ideal companions for those undergoing stressful treatments or procedures. For those suffering from severe mental disorders, dogs and cats can help to provide a sense of responsibility and routine, which can be crucial in aiding recovery or management of the condition.


The benefits of pet ownership extend far beyond simple companionship. Dogs and cats contribute to human health in tangible and profound ways, from improving cardiovascular health and promoting physical activity to boosting mental well-being and fortifying the immune system. They offer not only unconditional love but also a unique form of support that can significantly enhance their owners’ quality of life. While pets require time, attention, and resources, the health benefits they provide could be considered an invaluable return on investment. Owning a pet may not be a guaranteed cure-all for every ailment, but it’s clear that their presence provides benefits that can help lead to a happier, healthier life.

Julian Bolin

Julian Bolin is a pet lover and the founder of, an informational site that provides answers to any question about pets. He has always loved animals and finding out all he could about them, so it was only natural for him to start this website.

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